Does Cannabis Help with Chronic Nerve Pain?

Medical Marijuana for Treating Nerve Pain
The Cleveland Clinic reports that numerous researchers have conducted studies into the effectiveness of medical cannabis to treat nerve pain, or neuropathy. The news is good: The Cleveland clinic says the results overall support smoking or inhaling cannabis to reduce neuropathic pain.
And The American Cancer Society reports that some studies have found cannabis to be effective in treating neuropathic pain caused by chemotherapy.
Nerve pain is not a specific medical condition. Instead, it’s caused by a wide range of problems, like injuries, diseases, and disorders. Other causes include physical trauma, systematic autoimmune diseases, diabetes, vascular and blood diseases, infections, cancers, chemotherapy, and kidney and liver disorders.
In short, the causes of nerve pain are many. And complex. As with any other treatment, don’t start until you’ve first discussed it with your doctor.